//Product: LUG (Laser User Guide)
//Stage: 3rd Year (2007/08)
This project was completely self directed. The sector I chose to design for was the blind and partially sighted. I aimed to provide a product to help with everyday tasks for those without sight.
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The final product is a device which helps the partially sighted while shopping. The device is mounted on the wrist so that the user can always have it with them and locate it easily. The device is black and the buttons yellow to provide high contrast and easier access.
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The device emits a omni-directional laser at the touch of a button. This scans the barcode on the product and converts the encoded data into audible information such as price, weight, colour, size.
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The information is then conveyed to the user through sound. There is a built in speaker within the device, however, it can also connect to a bluetooth headset for optimal performance.